Armor Print Solutions
Which printing technology is best for your company : Laser or inkjet?
Choosing which type of printer to buy for your business is not always easy. It depends on certain...
2 minute read
What is the Roadmap for the Circular Economy ?
The RCE or FREC (in French) is an acronym for theRoadmap for the Circular Economy.Published in...
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What are clones ?
Clones are counterfeit In the printing and printer consumables sector, the term “Clones” refers...
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ARMOR Office Printing continues to innovate in the responsible collection of print cartridges
As part of the OWA-collect program, ARMOR Office Printing announces the deployment of its new...
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Everything you need to know about the quality of ink in your cartridges
When you buy ink cartridges, one of your main concerns is whether the quality of your printing...
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New products in the OWA photocopier cartridge range - June 2019
The range of remanufactured consumables for photocopiers has been expanded with 24 new models.
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New products in the OWA laser cartridge range - June 2019
Discover the latest monochrome and colour laser products Focus on the Canon 041/041H series for...
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Creation of a European eco label for reuse
Spain propose to UE the creation of a "reuse" ecolabel
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