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Discover the Armor Print Solutions blog : All our advice and news on printing solutions and the circular economy ♻
Product information: HP302XL and HP304XL cartridges available
A few months ago, we informed you ofa compatibility problem with HP302 and HP304 cartridges...Why should you adopt sustainable strategies for your company?
Why should you adopt sustainable strategies for your company? Today, sustainable strategies are...
2 minute read
Implementing a managed printer fleet: the five steps for success
Are you looking to gain a little peace of mind by proactively and automatically managing your...
2 minute read
Press release : Covid-19 situation report
Preparing for the recovery and take stock The unprecedented public health situation linked to...
2 minute read
Which printing technology is best for your company : Laser or inkjet?
Choosing which type of printer to buy for your business is not always easy. It depends on certain...
2 minute read
What is the Roadmap for the Circular Economy ?
The RCE or FREC (in French) is an acronym for theRoadmap for the Circular Economy.Published in...
2 minute read
What are clones ?
Clones are counterfeit In the printing and printer consumables sector, the term “Clones” refers...
2 minute read